Tuesday 4 December 2012

Magazine And Mock Up

I have chosen to call my magazine 'Film Critic' as I believe this appeals to film fans, and informs those about what the magazine involves. The issue number and date create the illusion that the magazine is highly regarded, implying that many have been sold previously.
       I have decided to create my magazine cover using a very simplistic layout to create a sophisticated look. 
The focus point of the magazine cover will be the image of my character Harry, to inform the audience that 'Hide & Seek' is the main article within the magazine. A portion of the magazine has a black background contrasting to the rest in white, and a hand print in blood. This highlights how the featured film is a thriller as it holds codes and conventions of the genre. 
       The banner I've used mentions films and actors from an array of genres, enticing those who prefer genres other than thriller. I believe this will promote my magazine, and my film, to a much wider audience. 


For my magazine I used a black background on white to stand out, as well as adding the image of a hand print of blood. I cropped the photo of Callum so that he'd stand out on the dark background. I believe these qualities all empahsise the thriller genre behind my film.
      I chose to use basic, formal fonts for the text on my magazine cover. Perpetua Tilting MT was used for the title, and Sylfaen for the issue number and banner. I chose a dark colour scheme for the cover to show that 'Hide&Seek's' the main focus within the magazine. I kept the font the same of 'Hide&Seek' as I did in the poster, to convey that they are the same film. I also chose the colour red to keep with the connotations of blood, highlighting the genre.

   My banner includes text about films which belong to many genres, such a family, romance and action. I have also added two photos of Hugh Jackman as Jean Vajean, and director Tim Burton to attract a wider audience who are interested in these characters.

Poster And Mock Up

I have decided to create a simple poster which isn't too hectic so it's easier to understand for the audience. I'm using the tagline 'do you want to play a game?' underneath the title, which will be white to stand out. I have chose this as it links with film title 'Hide&Seek', and is associated with childrens games. The title text will be red, on a dark background to help the thriller genre stand out more.
           A faded image of the house will be used as the background of the poster, as it shows the location within the film. This will be darkened to convey mysteryI'm going to make sure that the release date stands out on the dark background, therefore the audience will remember it a lot easier. I will not be putting too much information on the billing block. It will then be rather very basic and uncluttered, making it easier to understand. I will be making sure the website is shown within the poster as part of the marketing campaign. There will also be synergy within the logos I'll used on my poster- Twitter, Facebook, Lionsgate, Imax and film rating logo. A hastag will also be shown to link to Twitter, '#HideSeek' will create more synergy and promote the film further using the social media site.

For my film poster I applied 'Smudge Stick' effect to the picture of the house to make it quite blury, I believe this creates mystery behind the location. I also added a black and white tint to the photograph to carry on the thriller genre and hold the codes and conventions.
      I used several fonts throughout my poster. I used Chiller for the title, and Copperplate Gothic Light for the stars name, 'Callum Webb'. These fonts create a very sinister image of the film. I also used Minion Pro for the tagline and text 'starring', as well as Myriad Pro for the banner, I believe these basic fonts take less emphasise off the other texts.
     I decided to insert many logos within my poster to create synergy, as well as a hashtag to promote the film on Twitter also. I chose to put a 12 age restriction on my poster, as I believe my film is not too gory and fits the thriller genre instead of horror. Additionally, I created a website link and inserted it onto my poster, also promoting the film further.

Idents And Soundtrack

These six companies are extremely well known within the media industry. All of these idents hold similar codes and conventions. 20th Century Fox has only recently become one of the 6 leading production companies in 2011. However, a logo was developed in 1935. It has been used on famous television programmes such as The Simpsons Family Guy and Futurama. It has also been used on many popular film franchises such as Star Wars, X-Men and Home Alone. The colour theme for this ident creates a sense of superiority, through the gold and purples. The background music is also very loud and overpowering because of the deep drums. A highly regarded image is created of this company through the ident as the lights convey the stereotype of the Oscars. I believe this ident isn’t suitable for a thriller genre, as it is too bright and doesn’t portray any mystery.
           Paramount Pictures is the oldest studio emblem, dating back to 1912. Paramount have then went on to produce/distribute a wide range of films and television shows belonging to different genres, as well as buying Dreamworks. I believe that this ident doesn’t belong to a particular genre, making it very variable. The ident is very sophisticated due to the lack of text; it also conveys the idea that it is dated due to the lack of technology used. The basic setting and sunset do not convey a mystery to attract an audience for my genre, so I will not be using this ident.
          Warner Brothers Pictures was founded in 1923 and is one of the leading production companies, as well as being a subsidiary of Time Warner. The gold logo holds connotations of royalty and superiority. This is reinforced through the loud background noise of drums. The use of the sky as a background highlights how highly regarded the company believes it is. It is a very bright and loud ident, so I believe that it holds different conventions to the ident I would like to use for my trailer.
          Universal Pictures is the third oldest production studio in the world, and was founded in 1912. The use of the space as the backgrounds creates the idea that its films are ‘out of this world’. The gold text and shine from the world also connotes the idea of superiority. The loud beats of drums reinforce this idea. The gold text and drums are also used in Columbia’s ident, which dates back to 1924. I don’t think these idents are suitable for a thriller film as they don’t hold any connotations.
         Walt Disney Pictures is an extremely well known production/distribution company, and has been ever since 1928. Since 2011, Walt Disney Productions has been shortened to ‘Disney’. This company is associated with Disney fairytales, and so, doesn’t fit my theme. The dark blues and purples, linked with the gold, create a sophisticated and superior image of the company. Also, the use of Disney World’s castle as the background reinforces the fairytale theme throughout the company, as well as being highly recognisable. Film’s distributed/produced by this company are usually children’s and family films, which I believe is very noticeable through the ident.

However, I have chosen to use Legendary Pictures as the ident for my trailer, Hide&Seek. Although Legendary Pictures isn't one of the six leading companies, they are partners with Warner Brothers, and are well known for a vast range of different films associated with different genres. I decided to use this ident as I believe it conveys a thrilling atmosphere through the dark background, as well as the thunder and lightning background noise. This will create a sense of the thriller genre.

For my soundtrack, I have decided to use Compass and the Ruler by Trevor Jones, the compass and ruler are well-known symbols of the Freemasons.This song has been used in 2001 thriller From Hell. I believe the various sounds used create a lot of tension, such as: the deep voice of men singing, the chamber music, a metal gate opening.... I will also be using several sound effect's within my trailer to create tension and a sombre atmosphere. My sound effects will include a door opening and a heartbeat creating a lot of suspense.